I try to add some warmth to the house which is a modern home. We had replaced our doors with these panel doors back when we had the bathroom done. This really made a difference in how it looks up stairs. I added this set of frames with toile inserts to the guest room door.
We decided on door knobs with a 1930s feel to them. Come on in and see the guest room...
I have had this idea in my mind's eye for some time. Last night, my husband helped me figure out how to make it work. You take a gilded mirror and add a picture to the front of it. I love it but am still unsure it works in this guest room. This is a wall as you first come into the room. This is actually the master bedroom but we don't use it opting for a bedroom at the back of the house. I am not sure now that I actually like these hanging here. I feel like they belong somewhere more like my living room and I don't have room for them there. They may end up being sold on Marktplaats (a Dutch thing similar to eBay).
As you can see from this overall photo, the rooms here are small. I cannot place a chair or anything in the room. We now have two little nightstands which I put together yesterday. I went to put the lamps on them and thought, oh no, this does not work. So I put on my thinking cap and went off to take the lamps from my bedroom nightstands. Great...that works. So now I did not like the William Morris quilt on the bed...thinking cap again...okay take the roses quilt I made for our bed. It is a full size bed with a queen size quilt but it works.
Now I need to concentrate on a headboard. I have a great idea but we started to look at what we needed and are not sure we are going to make it afterall. Ideas anyone?
I love to sit in bed and read and I know my mother does too. I really wanted to be sure I had good lighting and a place to lay a book when she gets here.
Then I had to take the pillows and put them on this bed too. So as you see, one thing leads to another. This room has been very different for me as my house has all wood throughout. I decided to go with white furniture in here.
Now it is simply time to wait for my guest to arrive as I gaze out the window...

Ok Heidi, comment time. Ahhhhhhhhh, I do not think you got this quite right. This is not a guest room. Sometimes I do let guest sleep in it, and Dagi is ok butttttttt, this is my room. LOL.
It looks so beautiful and I can't wait to be in it. I cannot believe you took this quilt from your room and the lamps. Gees, this could be a guilt trip. Ok, I'm coming anyway. Just have to pack clothes and I am ready.
Love you bunches, Mom
Oh Heidi, what a welcome for a weary traveller. Only trouble is, any guest would feel so at home here that they could end up staying...and staying...and staying.haha! The room is definitely a dream realised. The little stitched pillows are perfect - is there room in the bed for two, Nancy..haha!
Hugs, Angela
Heidi, I think you've done a wonderful job with this room! It looks so cosy. I'm sure your mother will love it.
It all looks gorgeous, Heidi! Congratulations on another finish (after your studio, the painting etc...). Is everything ready now? Can you sit down and relax? I hope so!
Hugs, Carolien
Hello Heidi
Wow! Your guest room looks very cosy.
That one feels.All this lovefull decorations how pillows,pictures,
lamps and this beautiful blankets.It
is a dream.I have the same commode.
You've seen,that I have a Award for
Hello Heidi
You have been a very busy girl lately. What a lovely, warm inviting guest room you put together. I just love it!The white furniture was a great idea since as you say the room is small. It has an elegant feel but at the same time it's cosy. That bed with all the pillows makes me want to curl up with a good book under the covers. How about a headboard made of plywood and covered with padding and then some lovely fabric? It could be quite tall or short depending on your preference. They are pretty easy to make I think. Here is a website in case you're interested. http://interiordec.about.com/cs/diyheadboards/a/diyupholheadbd.htm
Hugs Rhondi
Beautiful room for Nancy and/or other guests.....
One of my favorite make-do head boards for a king size head board was a long window louvered shutter turned side ways and painted.....
Blessings....Betty @ Country Charm
What a beautiful room! Anyone would surely feel wanted and welcomed in such a nice room! Susan in SC
Hi Heidi! Everything looks so beautiful, cheerful and inviting! I always love visiting your home through your blog and seeing what projects you've been working on. I'm so glad to be back blogging again! :o)
Your guest room is lovely! I think you've done a wonderful job. I especially love the lamp, and (believe it or not) the door knob!
Oh, how nice that looks and I can't wait to see it in person! Ok, so an idea for a headboard which is a little different would be to use tall oblong frames with black and white prints from your garden or if you have second hand or recycle shops, even window frames would be very nice and charming. Hope those ideas are not too strange!!
Heidi, your guest room looks so inviting. I'm sure any guest, and especially your mother, would be very happy to find themselves staying there for any length of time.
The first thing I thought of for a headboard was a paneled door turned sideways. You might have to put "legs" on it or attach it to the wall to make it the right height. I really like the 2nd one on this page http://www.hgtv.com/hgtv/decorating/article/0,,HGTV_3545_1665282,00.html
because of the lights he installed right into the headboard, but all of them are very pretty.
Can't wait to see what you decide to do.
ok...try that link to the article about the headboards.
What a pretty, welcomming guest room, Heidi! Anyone would feel well and truly spoiled there. Lucky Mom! Isn't it nice to have a room all ready and waiting for your special visitor?
What about attaching molding to the wall, in the shape of a headboard? How about a curtain or quilt, hung from the ceiling, just 6-12 inches from the wall, and then swagged back?
Have fun!
I think a headboard that looks like a picket fence would be pretty, especially since the furniture is white. Flowers and vines could be painted on the pickets or a floral garland could be woven in and out of the pickets.
I know what ever you come up with will be beautiful.
This room is beyond beautiful. It is bright and cheery yet cozy and inviting. A perfect paradise for anyone! I cannot imagine it being more perfect. As for the headboard...
Perhaps a fabric covered one? What I think would look precious would be to take an old paneled door, turn it sideways and affix it to the wall where the headboard would sit. Or something with a bead-board insert and chunky posts? I know whatever you do it will be perfect and lovely.
What a beautiful room Dagi (oops, your Mom!) has! It looks so calming and relaxing and just so pretty. If it was me I would spray paint an iron gate white to use as a headboard or some picket fencing. I also like the prints on the gilded mirrors. They go with the face on the clock and the gilded frame setting on the dresser. And, of course, the quilt, afghan your mom made and the gorgeous pillows are the perfect touch! Did you say your mom is moving to Holland?
Heidi what a beautiful, warm and welcoming room you've created. Your Mom is going to be so happy in there during her visit. Someone else looks very content on the end of the bed, warming in the sun and enjoying the beautiful surroundings.
Happy Spring - Karen
I like the idea of using long shutters and then possibly put a mirror in the center of it with panes (sort of resembling a window). You could even put some cute curtains up over the whole thing! Or hang a piece of lace over them....
Linda in VA
Wow,is this room wonderful! I think your mother likes it so much that she stays more in her room as in the livingroom :) By the way, is this your former quilt studio?
I'm going for a vacation tomorrowevening so I cannot visit you on your blog for a week. Have a nice week and a very happy day when your mother arrives.
Hugs and groetjes, Elly
Isn't it amazing how things turn out when you start one direction and then one idea leads to another. Your room shaped up so nicely. The pictures on the door, and the ones on the gilt mirrors are wonderful. Such a great idea for both of them.
I love your lamps and the quilt. And your mome even has a preview of the room. She can look forward to it's comfort during her travels. You are so creative I love to see your ideas as they come together. Maybe a window frame for the headboard. Something just to give the space definition. I like the others ideas too. Keep us posted.
I feel certain that such an inviting room will delight any guests who may visit. It all looks so cosy and comfortable.
Marie x
I have a huge old window that would make a great headboard. Fill in the "panes" with quilt blocks or art and it would be great. If you come visit, it's yours!
Your guest room looks so inviting and cozy. I love the quilt. The kitty adds such a nice touch, too! I have to know - how do you hang a framed picture on the front of a mirror??
No wonder Mom is staying a whole month - and after she sees all the love you've put into 'her room' she may even stay longer!! Move over Dagi boy.
Heidi I love the gilt framed mirrors with the prints - don't sell 'em, use them somewhere else if necessary, but I think they give the room a punch - that little extra spark with all the white. The lamps are so pretty and if those are the IKEA tables they are just adorable.
Lovely room - nice big windows - I think you've done a great job and hopefully you'll find something that works for a headboard. I do think a fabric covered padded one would be perfect to soften up the many hard surfaces. Perhaps a curved top and covered in a natural linen with button tufting - that way it would go with any patterned fabrics you bring into the room.......and comfy when sitting up in bed to read. Just an idea.
Heidi, I LOVE this room!! It is serene and just so pretty! Your mother is going to want to stay there forever. Right Nancy? ha ha.
Looks like Dagi is keeping it warmed up for her arrival. You have done a wonderful job!!! My favorite is the view out the window.
Now for the headboard...I have seen just pressed fiber board that is covered with a polyfill (use spray adhesive to attach it to the board) and then wrap fabric over the padding and use a staple gun to attach it to the back. Infact, I made a headboard like this for my youngest son. His had vinyl fabric, which stood up to lots of dirty boys' heads over the years. They'd lean against it and play video games.
Happy decorating!
PS: I love the pictures that you hung on the door. Great idea!!!
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