Tuesday, February 05, 2008

A Chintz transformation...

Since well before the holidays, my quilt studio has become a total disaster area. I started throwing things about during my creative bouts and not cleaning up like I normally do. I have had comments from friends how unlike me this all is! Well, for some reason, I just cannot make myself get things organized again and make this studio into the room I love.

This started back when I moved my quilt studio from the front bedroom to the back bedroom. It had been Jos' office before that and we turned the smallest bedroom into his office so I could have his room and make the front bedroom which overlooks a school yard was once again the guest bedroom. Phew! Is that confusing? With me spending such long hours a day in the studio, Jos thought it would be more peaceful for me to move it to the back of the house. I moved everything and we stained the bookshelves to a lovely Colonial teak color. Jos bought me a beautiful desk and wall cabinet for my sewing antiques. I refinished some drawers with fabric fronts. I seemed all set but I could not feel right in the room. I really need to create an atmosphere in this space to make it my own.

I was watching an Oprah show recently and there was a show on about a woman who was a hoarder and they were trying to help her. There were some experts with her walking her through the process. Now I don't have that problem but I was able to pick up a great piece of advice. One guy said that before you even start, you must have a vision of how this space should be for you. Something clicked with hearing that and I now think I know what I need to do with the room.

I had already brought up my antique embroidery table with a pretty lamp and chair. I had hung some lace curtains. These are all things working towards that vision. I have a very practical but not very beautiful chair at my desk. This needed a makeover! It was a plain red fabric...

...and now it has a chintz fabric remnant I bought years ago at a Laura Ashley shop. Behind and around the chair is total choas. Stacks of patterns and books and fabrics needing sorted and organized. I feel like having redone the chair will help encourage me to start more of the organizing. I will keep sharing things I do to the studio as they happen.


Nancy said...

Oh that is now so much YOUR chair.
I love it. Since I was talking to you on Skype while you were doing part of it, I know you were fighting the end. It looks great. There is nothing you cannot do.

Tanya Marie said...

That chair makeover is awesome - what a difference!!! Enjoy - looks cozy for sewing now.


Reginas Cottage said...

Dear Heidi
Super sees the chair after the makeover out.I love Laura Ashley.


Anonymous said...

Great Heidi, your "flower chair".
So you are still organising your studio? I think you mwill do it by yourself but if you need a helping hand, I can give it!
Succes and hugs

Margaret said...

The fabric change on the chair makes it look soooo much prettier. Wow. I need to learn how to do chair coverings!

the tattered nest said...

Oh Heidi...I love that chair! Was it hard to do? I have a black office chair with arms that I would love to re-do, but I am intimidated...You have inspired me to try!

Karen said...

OK Heidi how the heck did you do that. I think a tutorial is in order, LOL. Seriously that is a pretty chair and will look lovely in your finished room. Sometimes it's so hard to look beyond what's already in the room and find the vision. Sounds like your working towards your goal.

Hugs - Karen

Mary said...

This is the start of something good! Heidi - what a great idea to cover a standard desk chair - I love the fabric you chose. Now you are on your way to making this space 'a room of your own' and I know you will love it when completed.

This room I'm in is terrible - Bob's office, two desks and computers, three printers, my sewing scrapbooking, everything room - and it's tiny to start with. With the furniture, mattresses etc. from the project room also in here, one cannot move. I'd hoped to make Valentine cards but there's no way I can get to my things. By the end of this week I hope to have the guest room furniture done and back in place and can then start organizing the 'stuff'. I really have to get rid of more - clothes, fabrics, magazines, knick knacks etc. I truly intend to simplify my life this year......how many black tee shirts does one really need.....and one CAN have too much fabric no matter what they say!!

Hang in there girl - we'll do it I'm sure - just can't let it get us down.
Love and hugs - Mary.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What a wonderful transformation on that chair!! I love it!

I saw that show on Oprah you were talking about. Scary, how savings things can creep up on someone to that extint!

Ginny said...

Seeing your chair might just inspire me to recover several of the four that are in our craft room. I love that fabric, so feminine and pretty.

Solstitches said...

You did a wonderful job on the chair. I have to agree with your mom that the chair looks much more you in the pretty fabrics.
I hope you'll feel inspired to carry on with the makeover and look forward to seeing the results.

Anonymous said...

Hello Heidi, what a great idea to make such a change on your chair! I would really like to know how you did this, because I also have some chairs that need a new fabric.(the one you sit on when you come "handwerken" at my place. Could you teach me how to get the old fabric from the chair? greatings Sonja

Carolien said...

Hi Heidi,

Love your chair. Finally a nice office chair, what an idea! They are often comfortable to sit on but don't give a nice sight.
Maybe I can give you a hand when I visit you the 15th? I am good at handing over fabrics and promise I won't look at them too long ;)
Have a nice day! Hugs, Carolien

Betty said...

I agree that we need to have a vision of what we want before and as we are in the process of making changes...

The chair looks so pretty...your flower bedecked throne.....as you create....

Thank you for your sweet comment and visit....Betty

Kathy said...

OHHH how beautiful Heidi! What a huge difference from the red to the gorgeous Laura Ashley fabric! Is is the beginning of the perfect room for you! You are such an inspiration! I wish I had half your talent :-)

Anonymous said...

Your chair looks fabulous, Heidi! I love the Laura Ashley fabric. Now can you share with us how you did it? I'm planning to slipcover my chair but yours looks so professional! ~ hugs, Lynda xo

Ragged Roses said...

What a wonderful chair Heidi. Such a good starting point for the rest of the room. Sometimes it just takes one thing to make everything else fall into place and galvanize us into doing the rest! Good luck and take care

Mia said...

I do love the amazing transformation of your chair! The chair itself looks very comfortable and with the lovely chinz fabric it is very pretty too. I too have a Laura Ashley fabric on my chair in my studio. And as for chaos; I suppose chaos always happens where there is creativity (or at least that is my consolation when chaos seems to overwhelm me...)

The pretty hanging horse in my last posting is made by a norwegian blogging friend. You can find her blog "Huset i hagen" in the sidebar of my blog.

By the way, I love "Miss Potter" and have watched it twice already!

Angela said...

Oooh heidi,
How I wish I had been able to see the Oprah show, boy do I need some advice on hoarding!!
Possibly the reason for your delay in getting things set to rights was caused by the familiarity of the previous room's layout - things do grow into place over the years, and uprooting them and bedding them in elswhere is unsettling. it takes time for things to establish themselves. Often, one fresh idea, in your case covering the chair, just pulls everything together. It looks so pretty, I am sure it will be a focal point in your new room :>)
Hugs, Angela

Kristen said...

Oh that is so you!!! I love it! And, I would have never thought to change the covering on a utility chair like that! I LOVE IT!!! Hmmmm, I might be stealing your idea.... :) Glad to be back!!!!!!!

Diane Fay (littlealma) said...

Mooi Prachtig (I think that is how you say it, but I am sure I am slaughtering the spelling!) But what a lovely transformation for the chair! And yes, I would LOVE to see a tutorial on it too! I have one of those ugly office chairs too, and started to make a cover for it years ago, but could never figure out how to get it to stay on! Did you sew it on with a curved needle? hot glue gun? It just baffles me! But I love your blog, and have been lurking for a long time! Ik ben Nederlanse ook - and I was fortunate enough to live there some 30 some years ago when I was in college! Anyway - groeten tot allemaal!

(did I get any of that right?)

Diane (Vruwink-Dirkse) Carlson

Rhondi said...

Hello my dear friend. Your chair looks great. My chair is an eyesore in my studio and I was going to make a little slipcover for it but your idea looks much easier. I'll have to get out my knife and try it! But not before I do some tidying up. Every time I get going on a new quilt the room looks like a tornado went through!1
That blue embroidered cloth with the dainty blue on my blog was just a wonderful yard sale find and I love it. Hope you have a wonderful day. Rhondi xo

Rhondi said...

Me again! I saw that show on Oprah too. Wasn't it unbelievable?

Vee said...

That chair came out so beautifully!

I'm wondering if your difficulties in adjusting come from the quality of the light in the back bedroom instead of the front one???

Oh, my friend, one who lurks and doesn't blog, is in love with your corner and told me about it. :)