I had a fun find a few weeks ago and had to wait to take it to Cranberry Cottage to share it with you. One friend of mine cringed when she saw this find but I love it. I bought this very old and damaged looking mirror at a garden center. I feel in love with it as soon as I walked past it! It reminded me of having my great aunt's furniture with its very imperfect mirror as a girl in high school. I miss that furniture which I had to give up when I immigrated. I had been wanting the perfect mirror to use in our bedroom at the cottage for behind our headboard. The roof slopes and I felt a mirror would give a more spacious effect. I love that this one is all spotted as we did not really want one that was too reflective yet gave the illusion of more light and thus more space. Jos was not too wild about the mirror until he hung it here for me. It is just right for this room. I also brought the quilt I used to have hanging in my upstairs hallway at our house to use on the end of the bed here as it works well with the colors of the floral quilt.
My weekend started receiving an sweet gift from a blogging friend Carolien. She came over on Friday and had this wonderful bouquet of mixed tulips for me. I took it up to the cottage to enjoy them for the weekend. Aren't they like a rainbow of joy?
I wrapped them back up and brought them home again on Sunday. Now they are sitting on my coffee table as I am taking my Valentine's Day decorations away and changing them today. I love puttering around the house changing my decorations! The little pinkeep you see was a gift I just received on Friday from an online friend in Germany. I think it is so adorable! Thanks Britt!

I love tulips. And being that I am COMPLETELY over winter, I truly enjoyed seeing these beauties this morning! Thank you so much for sharing them. Stay warm honey!!
I love your mirror Heidi! I think things that have character like this are more charming than something new - it shows they have been loved.
Your quilt is the perfect touch at the foot of your bed, and the tulips are beautiful! Such gorgeous colors Mother Nature has for us.
Britt's pinkeep is wonderful!
Hi Heidi,
Love your mirror, reminds me of 'grandmother's time'. I did give you a JOB by giving you these tulips on Friday, I'm sorry ... Glad you like them after all.
Have a nice day, hugs, Carolien
Oh, Heidi, the tulips are glorious! Your cottage always looks so cozy. The mirror is charming.
Jeanne :)
Well, first of all, I love Britt's pinkeep. How did you ever stitch that tiny little thing? It is sooo cute. I hope your flowers will still be blooming when I come in April. I hardly ever get there when the tulips are up. What pretty tulips from Carolein. I have to see the mirror before I comment. LOL
Love you, Mom
I love tulips and these are beautiful. The colors on you bed are lovely. The quilt and the mirror add so much charm. You certainly do know how to decorate!
Have a wonderful week and we will keep you company until your mother returns.
Take care
I really did not think it can be cold in Holland too! But I am sure your daffodils and other bulbs will make it. We have had such mild days here in Norway, but the nights tend to be cold (minus 6-8 degrees). The bunch of tulips looks just lovely, with all the fresh spring like colours. And your bedroom at Cranberry Cottage looks very cosy indeed. I do agree with you, the mirror looks just perfect there, above the bed. And the quilt on the bed... so pretty! But I am curious, Heidi, what kind of decorations will you put up now, after the Valentine ones have been taken down. Are you getting ready for Easter, perhaps...?
The mirror looks great Heidi and those tulips are delightful ~ what a breath of spring!
Marie x
I love that mirror! I agree that it fills the space wonderfully! Good choice and it is very cozy!
That was so sweet of Carolien! Those tulips are just beautiful! OHHHH I can't wait until flowers will begin blooming here! Then there would have to be sun, sun, warmth, and oh yes, SUN!!! I suppose I will have to wait!!
I envy you your country house Heidi!
We'll do that someday soon too! Only I want a cabin on a lake somewhere...an A frame with a big wood stove right in the middle! And a deck all the way around the outside...See, I've got it all planned out!
Are those actully flowers?? My goodness they are pretty. Sorry to sound so shocked but the only flowers I've seen latley were evey one elses amaziing valentines flowers. But none were as pretty as that bouquet of Tulips. What a sweetie Carolien was to have brought them to you. There seems to be somthing even more magical about Tulips in Holland. Like Roses in England, and Lilacs in the Midwest USA. I know they all grow other places but in these places they seem especially wonderful, at least in my minds eye.
Love the mirror it's a wonderful touch. Goes with the style of the head board.
Do you take Dag to the cottage with you? I would need a large van to take my animals of vacation, but did travel with my Burmese cat to San Diego evey week end for years. She loved it, but she was an only kitty.
I love old mirrors...my dressing table mirror has lots of marks on it...but it all adds to the charm. Love the tulips...the colours are glorious!
Margaret and Noreen
Heidi, your tulips are spectacular! Tulips are in bloom here in California!!
Your mirror is sweet and I really like your cottage! Looks like a wonderful place to escape to!
Hi Heidi~
I love the mirror! It is just perfect there. And those tulips are so pretty.
Hello Heidi. I love tulips and ours are beginning to sprout but the frost here is keeping them back a bit too. Not long to wait though I think! Love your mirror and that quilt, it must be lovely having a second home to spend the weekends visiting, lots of puttering!!!
Heidi your cottage looks so inviting, I bet it's hard to leave, but you've got a beautiful home to go back to.
Those tulips are such a wonderful peek of spring for me. To cold here for to long. That pin keep is adorable.
Hope your doing well - Hugs - Karen
Dear Heidi
Loveley tulips.The mirror looks
fantastic,he passed perfect in your
bedroom at the Cranberry Cottage.
Wow!!!what a beautiful qilt on the
bed.All these things makes your bed-
room very cosy.I like it,very much.
Loveley tulips.
Greetings and Hugs
I love those old spotty mirrors! They have so much character and you can always blame the age of the mirror when you're having a bad day! :) The mirrors in our mantelpiece are like that ... I also love old windows that have the bubbles and warps in them. Beautiful tulips! ~ Lynda xox
The tulips are so colorful and cheerful! How could one not smile when looking at them?! The mirror is very nice, and you are right, one does make a room more spacious. As always, I love your photos and it's fun seeing what you've been doing!
oh Heidi...your cottage looks so cozy! thanks for sharing the tulips! I needed it! -20 degrees here last night...
I just have daffodils right now, no tulips, but the bright yellow is certainly cheerful in the garden and the house.
Heidi - I love mirrors with marred glass and have an old one for the guest room......except it's so heavy I'm scared to hang it until I find a stud in a convenient place - which of course they never are! I also have to paint the frame. Yours looks great - just love all you've done at Cranberry Cottage.
Hope Mom is having a great vacation - know she'll welcome warm weather for a change.
I've been busy painting etc. Tomorrow I hope to complete the shutters and the frames I bought last week.
Thanks for your very sweet comment on my giveaway post - I too hope so much that we meet in person some day soon.
Hugs - Mary.
The tulips are gorgeous...the mirror so you.....beautiful quilt....Betty
Hi Heidi You've been busy this past week while I've been away and I have finally caught up with all your posts. The colors of those tulips are beautiful! I think that the bedroom looks very cosy and inviting and I love the mirror. Rhondi xo
I can't imagine a more soothing room. I love it. I still have my childhood bedroom mirror and it, too, is covered in spots, but I still like it. :<)
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