Don't adjust your computer screen. You really do see an old butter knife! I tried to take the cushion off the chair but even after I removed the screws, it would not come apart. I think they must have glued the parts together. I decided I just did not want to give up on the idea. The back and seating area are just tightly fixed onto the chair. I looked first closer at how they were put together and realized it was a really tight fit so I came up with a plan. I cut my pieces of upholstery fabric larger than I normally would have (about one inch larger than normally needed). Using an old butter knife, I forced the fabric into the slight space between the chair itself and the cushion. I sat on it to test it. I needed to see if by sitting on it, I would end up pulling the fabric out again. So far no problems. It is staying wonderfully. Normally I would staple gun upholstery fabric in place as I did with our Swedish chairs but it is just not needed this time.
Can a makeover be more simple than that?
Last night, one of the ladies in my quilt group came in with a sweet surprise for me. She gave me an early birthday gift of the pretty arrangement of tulips in a zink bucket. I don't really celebrate my birthday so I never even mention it is coming up but Elly remembered. I was very touched and really do appreciate her kind way of thinking of my birthday.
Aren't they pretty? Thank you dear Elly!
I have a long time online friend who sends me the most beautiful and artistic letters every now and then. She has a real gift for creating such special hand written letters. I received a letter from her on my doormat with a special surprise inside. She sent me a couple of tea bags which is kind of become an unspoken tradition with the ladies in one of my Yahoo groups and this pretty embroidered handkerchief. I love pansies and this is just so pretty. Thank you so much dear Terri! Your letters always make my day but this was such a fun surprise.

Wow! How sneaky! I would also worry that it would not hold, but it sounds as though you have figured it out! I love it and I will have to try this on my scrapbook chair. You are inspiring me to work on my scrapping area now! I love the flowers! How sweet of Elly to do that! It seems as though you have some wonderful friends! What a blessing!!!!
Heidi, Sometimes the easiest solutions are the most effective and this was certainly the case with the chair. Sometimes we spend too long looking for a much harder way to do things :>)
Your gifts from your friend are realy lovely. What a beautiful bouquet and the little hankie is so delicate. Pansies are for rememberance, if I remember correctly...haha.
Warm hugs, Angela
Hallo Heidi, wat leuk om nu te zien hoe bijzonder creatief jouw handwerk tot stand is gekomen! Met het keukenmes! Geweldig. Groetjes Sonja
Great chair makeover Heidi!
I love that pretty handkerchief ~ pansies are so cheerful.
Marie x
Elly is so thoughtful. The tulips are really beautiful. I think the hankerchief is way to pretty to use. I can see it being a part of a display you will be setting up.
Very nice.
You told me about the kitchen knife, so I wasn't shocked.
Love you, Mom
That almost seems too easy, Heidi! lol! Here I am pushing my fingers between the cushion and the chair and I think I could push the fabric in there! Thanks so much for sharing your secret.
The tulips are beautiful ... what a lovely surprise! I hope you have a very Happy Birthday when it comes around.
~ hugs, Lynda xoxo
We use similar 'tools'.....whatever gets the job done.....
Yes, I definitely think our steps are ordered by by our creator and when we follow in His will, we meet so many on our journey who bring us joy, love, compassion.....Betty
Heidi, I'm lovin' yer blog! and methinks even *I* could possibly recover a chair like that! (((((HUGS))))) sandi
Happy birthday Heidi! These tulips are beautiful! I also enjoyed the post and grats, you are tricky!
HAHAHAHA! That's awesome, Heidi! Way to be imaginative! And I keep mentioning that I want to see tulips and daisies and not rain and snow. Lo and behold what do I find here??
Hi Heidi Hope youhvae fun with your painting project. That sure was nice of them to let you have the sample paints for free. We have a lot in common. I've been to the Lake district and visited Wordsworth's home also. England is our favorite place to go on a vacation, but we haven't been there for a long time now. Instead of taking a holiday we go out to Texas to see the grandkids :)
Enjoy your weekend. Rhondi xo
Hello Heidi,
I came from Vee's blog, where I read a comment by you. Such a lovely blog you have here!
I see that, like me, you have more than one blog. And I chose this one to comment in. I too have a similarly named blog, but it is mainly photos of nature.
My first and regular blog {In what I call "My Pretty Blog Land"} is 'Smilnsigh'.
Since I love my home city, I joined a Daily City Photo Blog, with 'Photos-City-Mine'. {But today's entry is simply snow /ice. Farther back, are more photos of architecture, around my city}
And my '~Dans l'esprit d'une grand-mère~' is for random ponderings, which don't fit in my regular blog.
The fifth one is simply for a place to try out different templates and Headers, and etc.
I hope you will stop by, when you have the time. And I know that none of us have all the time we wish we had, for visiting in and commenting in pretty blogs! -sigh- I will now check into your other blogs.
Upper NE
What a beautiful tulip arrangement! I love the zinc bucket! How nice to have such sweet friends.
Look at you with the chair make over! Fabulous! So creative all of you bloggers! Amaze me every time.
Would you mind if I added your blog to my favorite pages to visit?
Hi Heidi,
My hubby and I are giggling like mad over here. We just love your "tool" I have one just like it that I use and it's right next to my high heel shoe hammer :)
Happy Birthday Heidi! thanks for upholstery tips...I can't wait to try it.
A late birthday wish to you for health and happiness this coming year.
So glad you put a picture of your tulips up. I love tulips and have been hoping to see some on your blog. Can't wait to see pictures of them in the fields. I have a memory of seeing them as a child when we visited friends of my parents who were living there while we were in England.
I'm glad you liked it! I often check your other blog, Needle Necessities and forget about this lovely blog!!!
Love ya!!
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