Peace is a word that many talk about in these troubling days but what does it mean personally to you? For me, it is another word for home. I think when you have a haven to be in that makes you feel comfortable and complete, it gives you peace. How can that not but affect how you are in your daily interactions in your own area of the world? If we all felt peace in our own homes, perhaps more peace on this earth would exist? I would like to think that the peace I have created in my home reflects out to those who come to my home.
These posts each Sunday until Christmas are meant to provoke you to think about your own life and things that mean something to you. I hope will stop by and leave a comment and tell me what you think about home and peace. I would love to hear your reflections...

May we all know peace this advent season and for the year to come!
Hi Heidi,
I, too, believe that if more people experienced peace at home there would be more peace in this world. I want more than anything for my family to experience peace in their lives...if it isn't out in this world, they would feel it in our home. Great Post!
Beautiful jewel-toned candles Heidi - how they must warm your lovely home.
Like you, I usually feel at peace when in my home more than elsewhere. As I age I no longer seek bright lights, noise and crowds, I just want to be close to home and be quiet. You may find this strange because I seem to be traveling quite often and the places are far off, but deep in my heart I wish I was at home. I've always lived in small houses, no McMansions in my past or future! But this is fine - I love the closeness of my space, there are no cold echoes as in some large homes I've visited, I can walk just a specific number of steps in the dark and always know where I am! To me this is a peaceful place where I feel safe.
Busy weekend here - two big Christmas music programs and a candlelight tea - joyful noise like that was lovely for the season.
In friendship - Mary.
Hi Heidie,
Indeed creating a peaceful home is one of the things that would be a good base for a lot of people i think !! I enjoyed you post about Sinterklaas, i loved the "old"
pictures you used :)
Greetings to Jos and have a nice and peaceful week !
For me peace within myself is very important. When I'm peaceful within, I am more open to others, thus spreading the sense of peace. I'm very grateful that I'm finally finding peace within my, after fighting myself for a long time.
Peace - what a huge and beautiful thought to mull around so early on a Monday morning. Peace has been a lot on my mind since the weekend, when 3 more young Canadians were killed in Afghanistan. May they rest in peace.
Peace is what I find, at one level in my home, with my family, in the woods. In the knowing that I have a helped create a safe and steady haven for my family. On another level, global peace might come from all of us being satisfied to allow others to live equally peaceful lives - I know, it's like 'pie in the sky' but I can't help but believe that if it were left to simple people like me and the many bloggers I've met from around the world, we'd be able to talk with one another, be happy or sad for one another and allow one another the respect and privilage of living peacefully.
Very lovely post, Heidi...Like yourself, I associate peace as a quality of being and dwelling in our home. As you say, much out in the world is anything but peaceful. We have only to read the news or switch on the TV to learn. So it is important we create our own unique peace, even just at home. And inner peace, a spiritual peace inside in important too. For this is peace we can spread and share with others. The great Buddhist teacher Thich Nnat Hanh said "peace is every step"...every moment is an opportunity for peace for ourselves and for others. The blogging community is a great way for peace to be shared. :o) Happy Days, my friend...and thank you for this thoughtful, uplifting post. ((HUGS))
Your candles are very pretty and you are a very peaceful girl. I hope you will feel better soon.
Love Mom
Your candles look beautiful, Heidi! Sorry I haven't been commenting much but I have been reading you. Enjoy the peace of the season.
sometimes I realise when I'm to busy that I have to slow down. Find peace again. Just some candles and music at home and I feel peace, or on a walk in the dunes with the dog. Remember what is important.
I wish my home were peaceful at all times. I wish pease would reign over the world. But it is regretfully not so. Peace in my home, peace of mind, is at hand - forget about the stressful moments and you have it. A peaceful world ? It takes more alas than ligthing candles in our western comfortable homes. But like you, I cannot help hoping, and next time I light a candle, in my home, or in a church, I will have a special thought and pray for peace.
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