Celebrate the seasons.....celebrate spring!
***Note to everyone: It is Thursday, March 20th here in Europe but when I published this blog entry, it shows Wednesday still. It's a blogger thing. ***
Today spring has officially begun. It is the season of growth. I hope you find this season full of growth for yourself. Spend a few moments today really appreciating that a new season is beginning in your part of the world. Take a look outside at the signs of growth around you.
This is a famous painting by the Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh. It is simply called "A Branch of an Almond Tree in Blossom". A single branch becomes a work of art when we take the time to really look at it. If there is nothing in bloom in your corner of the world, why not go out and treat yourself to a spring bouquet of flowers today? Why not go out into the garden and cut a flowering branch in bud. Bring it indoors where you can force it open in the warmth of your home?
I have learned on this journey that life is what we make it and it is the small things like this that teach us to appreciate the things around us. I used to feel down when spring arrived as I knew summer was coming with all its heat. My favorite seasons are autumn and winter. I learned through blogging to appreciate spring and summer for what they are. There is no autumn without a summer. I finally look forward to the rewards of nature in spring. I look out from this room where I sit onto my tiny garden. I can see my two very large wisterias full of buds and promise. I am looking forward to them blossoming and once again smelling their sweet perfume as I open my front door. To me, I now can appreciate spring as promise.
I was tagged by
Mary at Across the pond for the six word memoir. I had also been tagged for this on my other blog and found it difficult until I realized I was making it too complicated. Today is a perfect day for this memoir...
Celebrate the seasons and their rewards!
Thanks to each of you who read my blog for taking this journey with me. It has been a wonderful way for me to see more around me. It has helped me to see in much more detail also. I have had new visitors comment lately and love getting to know more people. I appreciate my comments so much and look forward to getting on my blog to read your responses.
I am supposed to tag 5 blog friends but this is not an easy tag and many have already had it. If you would like to play along, then tag.....your it!
The rules are:
1. Write your own six (6) word memoir.
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration, if you like.
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to the original post if possible, so we can track it as it travels through the blogosphere.
4. Tag five more blogs with links.
5. Remember to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.