But it is spring here with the bulb flowers all starting to blossom. I have been putting out my Easter decorations this week. Yesterday, I went to a pretty little village to enjoy a day out for lunch and shopping with two friends. We had a fun day and this is one of my purchases. I found this lacy looking metal plate which looks perfect for one of my cloches.
I love vintage (reproduction) cards and this one I saved from about 20 years ago. My mother and father had sent it to me and I use it with my decorations ever since. Isn't it pretty?
I have to dig out my crazy quilt spring tablerunner for my dining room table but I did put one of my vintage cloches on display with a nest and eggs along with one of my old pieces of stitching.
Simplicity is best with spring decorations I think so I placed some straw, primroses and a glass plant spray bottle in a wooden tray on my coffee table.
And finally, remember that bunny I showed you last time? His twin brother is sitting on an end table with a vase of white violets and my vintage card.
Easter is so close now. Are you decorating? What kind of decorations do you like at this time of year?
Thank you all for the comments about my living room! I wish you could stop in and see it for real especially in the evening light when it is at its prettiest. Can you believe that a realtor told us that if we wanted to sell our house we would have to paint out our red walls and make them white. I did paint away my pretty linden green walls in my bedroom a couple of years ago when we were trying to sell and will never do that again.

It all looks so cosy again Heidi. I always put an eastertree with eastereggs, yellow flowers and plants, chocolate eggs and ofcourse my big one and two little "Paashazen"! Groetjes, Elly
I haven't done any decorating yet, and probably won't. I thought Zoe would be coming, but now I am not sure. Since they had to fly to Texas so suddenly, I didn't get to ask Mandie if she still plans to come. I will have to decide, but your things are all springy and very cute. Glad you had a fun day with Sonja and Jannie.
Your Easter decorations are just beautiful, Heidi! I've been looking for some nice things to put out but haven't found anything yet. I love your cloches! One thing that I want to find is some eggs. I wanted to fill one of the apothecary jars I bought recently with them.
We have snow today too ... a lot of snow! I'll send you some if you want!! :)
Have a wonderful day, my friend!
~ hugs,
Lynda xo
Your Easter decorations look lovely Heidi! Your cloches look so good with your Easter treasures in them, just perfect! We haven't had any snow just very cold frosty mornings!
Dear Heidi
Your Easter decoration are yust
gorgeous!I have still no Easter-deco
but tomorrow I would Easter-eggs
painted and decorated the house.
Today we had also snow.
I wish you a wonderful rest week and
a lot of hugs,Regina
Hi Heidi, I hope you are feeling better today!
I love all of your cloche vingnettes! They are great! That lacey plate is gorgeous! You have given me some decorating ideas!
Heidi everything looks so pretty and spring like. That snow thing happens here also. Mother nature gives us a little snippet of spring with beautiful weather and green grass and then blasts us with one or 2 more snow storms. But we alway know they won't last long. Thanks for inspiring me to at least look at my Easter decorations :).
Hugs to you - Karen
Your decorations are so cute! I just love them! I don't have that much in the way of Easter decorations, but hope to make some more. Hmmm, maybe gramma could come HERE for Easter! :) Tee Heee!!!!!! :)
Dear Heidi, Hello!!!
I hope you are well...I've been away for awhile...haven't had anything to blog about, but hopefully that will change! I love your spring decorations...so simple, yet delightful!
Take care my friend!
Love, Kim
I have a beautiful glass egg on my desk at work with an adorable bunny who lives there all year. At home I have several different glass eggs I put out at easter. A nice wreath. Desperatly want some sort of tree to hang blown glass, and other eggs on but haven't come across the right one yet.
I love the yellow plate. I'm having trouble locating cloches with any reliability. But it's just that much more fun to go looking. I could break down and go on line. But how excititn is that? I will if I continue to strike out.
Your Easter decorations are beautiful....I plan to get my out in a couple of days....
Tomorrow I will post a Gardening Bunny giveaway.....Bety
Heidi dear, everything looks just lovely, you are such a wonderful homemaker.
No, don't ever do what these realtors suggest - it's all nonsense and picked up from these way out types on HGTV (that's Home & Garden TV if you're not familiar). They're the same people who makeover an entire house in 2 days on a $1,000 budget - ridiculous! More friends have sold their homes because they HAVE made them warm and comfy, getting rid of cold and boring 'decorator white' walls.
Your vintage card is so pretty - I found one this week too and will use it in an Easter vignette soon. Looking forward to seeing your Spring tablerunner.
Thanks for your kind comments on my recent posts - this makeover seems endless for some reason, but I'm adding things I truly love so it takes time!
Have a fabulous weekend - hope it's warm and sunny for you.
Fondly, Mary.
Heidi, I love your creative, vintage decor! And your primrose display is gorgeous. I love seeing the photos on your blog of what you've been doing in your home.
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